Budget & Policy

Our budget and legislative priorities are policies that we, as a caucus, have chosen according to their importance and imperativeness in improving the lives of women and their families. Our budget priorities are outlined each year in a letter to the governor, which will be posted on this page soon. The full caucus membership votes on the bills on our priority legislation list, and which are review and select each spring within our 6 policy pillars: Addressing Poverty, Childcare & Education Equity, Gender Violence & Public Safety, Heathcare and Health Equity, Vulnerable Communities, and Workplace & Economic Equity. 

Addressing Poverty
AB 2446 (Ortega): Medi-Cal Covered Diapers
SB 953 (Menjivar): Period Equity Now

Childcare & Education Equity
AB 1913 (Addis): Child Abuse Prevention Act
AB 1930 (Reyes): Child Development Associate Teacher
AB 2476 (Bonta): Childcare Payment Upfront

Gender Violence & Public Safety
AB 2295 (Addis): Child Sexual Assault Justice Act
SB 1386 (Caballero): CA Civil Rape Shield Preservation Act

Health Care & Health Equity
AB 1895 (Weber): Maternity Ward Closures
AB 2104 (Soria): CA Community College Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Pilot
AB 2339 (Aguiar-Curry): Extending Telehealth for Reproductive Healthcare to Medi-Cal Patients

Vulnerable Communities
AB 2137 (Quirk-Silva): Homeless & Foster Youth AB 2319 (Wilson): Reducing Black Maternal Mortality Through Implicit Bias Training

AB 2319 (Wilson, Weber): Reducing Black Maternal Mortality Though Implicit Bias Training
AB 2740 (Waldron): Dignity for Incarcerated Women

Workplace & Economic Equity
AB 2901 (Aguiar-Curry): The Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act
SB 782 (Limón): Gubernatorial Boards & Commissions


Priorities in Past Years