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2020 Budget & Policy

SB 493 (Jackson)
Sexual harrassment and assault impede a student's right to receive an education free of sex-based discrimination SB 493 would require institutions of higher education to implement policies and processes to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and violence, including notice and posting requirements and transparent procedures for investigating complaints to ensure a fair and equitable process for all parties.


SB 1399 (Durazo)
The Garment Workers Protection Act would expand wage theft liability in the garment manufacturing industry, ensurung that retailers cannot use layers of contracting to avoid responsibility under the law.


AB 1927 (Boerner Horvath)
The Sexual Assault Victims Amnesty would encourage reporting of sexual assault by granting immunity to victims or witnesses that may have been involved in unlawful posession or consumption of drugs or alcohol during the offense.


ACA 5 (Weber)
The California Act for Economic Prosperity will allow California voters to remove an outdated and antiquated law that restricts local and state leaders from minimizing inequality and promoting economic fairness. This measure seeks to prevent continued discrimination against women and people of color by allowing gender, racial and ethnic diversity to be considered as one of many factors in public employment, public contracting and public education.