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Legislative Women's Caucus Releases List of Priority and Endorsed Bills

Women Making News
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2013 Priority and Endorsed Bills

*Priority and Endorsed bills received at least 55% support from the Legisaltive Womens' Caucus.  Legislative support is not necessarily reflective of the views of all individual Members of the Legislative Women's Caucus.*



AB 154 (Atkins) Women’s Health Priority

AB 154 will authorize trained Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) – collectively; Advance Practice Clinicians (APCs) – to provide first trimester aspiration abortion care

AB 161 (Campos) Women’s Domestic Violence Priority

AB 161 provides additional economic and financial safeguards for domestic violence victims.  It ensures that their health, auto, and other forms of insurance will be protected when leaving an abusive relationship. 

SB 400 (Jackson) Women’s Workplace Protection Priority

This measure protects the employment rights of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking and requires the employer to provide them with reasonable workplace accommodations.

AB 271 (Mitchell) Women’s Safety Net Priority

This measure repeals the “Maximum Family Grant” which denies poor children CalWORKS benefits based on the circumstances they are born into.

AB 65 (Achadjian/Lowenthal) and SB 59 (Evans) Women’s Justice and Safety Priority

These measures seek to close a “rape loophole” by clarifying that someone who induces a victim into sexual activity by impersonating someone else known to the victim can be charged with felony rape.




AB 1164 (Lowenthal)

AB 1195 (Eggman)

AB 1217 (Lowenthal)

AB 1286 (Skinner)

AB 1308 (Bonilla)

AB 157 (Campos)

AB 176 (Campos)

AB 20 (Waldron)

AB 274 (Bonilla)

AB 285 (Brown)

AB 307 (Campos)

AB 419 (Lowenthal)

AB 49 (Buchanan)

 AB 912 (Quirk-Silva)

AB 926 (Bonilla)

AB 960 (Campos)

AJR 16 (Bonilla)

SB 107 (Corbett)

SB 130 (Corbett)

SB 252 (Liu)

SB 340 (Jackson)

SB 404 (Jackson)

SB 460 (Pavley)

SB 501 (Corbett)

SB 680 (Wolk)

SB 770 (Jackson)