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Women's Caucus: U.S. National Women's Soccer Team Deserves Equal Pay and Respect

Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino), Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus and Assemblywoman Monique Limón (D-Santa Barbara), Vice Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus today issued the following statement:

“As the Women’s World Cup kicks off in France, the California Legislative Women’s Caucus cheers on all of the amazing athletes on the United States women’s national soccer team as it defends its championship title.  The Women’s Caucus also stands alongside this winning team as it fights for the respect and pay equity it rightfully deserves.  Even though the women’s team continues to dominate consistently, the United States Soccer Federation has not given the same level of athlete compensation, workplace conditions or respect as the men’s team.  As the legal process unfolds, we remain hopeful that these remarkable athletes on the women’s national team will finally be afforded equal treatment once and for all.”

