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Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens, chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus) and Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino, Vice Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus) released the following statement regarding today’s sexual assault allegations against Assemblyman Dababneh:

“As members of the Legislative Women’s Caucus, we are very disturbed by allegations against Assemblymember Matt Dababneh and take them seriously.”

“We implore the Assembly Leadership to facilitate an independent, thorough and transparent investigation of these complaints.  Findings must also be made public to assure transparency.  If the investigation finds that these allegations are likely true, there must be swift and transparent consequences for this type of behavior.

“Victims have shown incredible courage in coming forward and we are grateful for their fortitude in the face of retaliation and blame.  We must create an environment that addresses the needs of victims who exist today and one that produces no more victims in the future. However, a long-term culture change should include a bi-cameral and bi-partisan process to address the pervasive assault, harassment and retaliation culture in the Capitol community."
