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Women’s Caucus Releases Statement on Additional Bocanegra Harassment Allegations

Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – The Legislative Women’s Caucus has issued the following statement regarding the additional harassment allegations by Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra:

“As members of the Legislative Women’s Caucus, we again unequivocally condemn Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra’s actions and take these new allegations seriously.  If the Assembly investigation affirms the allegations, we support Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon’s commitment to expel Mr. Bocanegra from the Assembly and believe the same should hold for any member whose behavior renders them unfit to hold office.  There must be swift and transparent consequences for this type of behavior.”

“We must create an environment that addresses the needs of victims who exist today and one that produces no more victims in the future. However, a long-term culture change should include a bi-cameral and bi-partisan process to address the pervasive assault, harassment and retaliation culture in the Capitol community."