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Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus and Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino), Vice Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus release the following statement condemning sexual assault in the Capitol community:

"Within the last week, the indefensible actions of some male members of the Legislature show a lack of accountability and remorse.  The absence of repercussions is yet another example of the pervasive culture of sexual harassment within California politics. This culture is further perpetuated when the Legislature's own zero-tolerance policies are not enforced.  It has resulted in the complicity that has given rise to the power and influence these men possess within the establishment.  The lack of protections for victims is further proof of why they stay silent within these halls.”

“As members of the Legislature, we unequivocally condemn Assemblyman Bocanegra and Assemblyman Mathis’ alleged actions and call upon our leadership to review their—and any other members’—behavior that render them unfit to hold office and immediately enforce, for once, the bodies’ zero-tolerance policies."

“The Women's Caucus will be a bridge with legislative leadership to create an environment that is safe and free of all types of harassment for staff, lobbyists and members alike.  This collaborative effort should begin immediately with referring all allegations of a crime directly to law enforcement and transparency of any criminal outcome to the public. We will thoughtfully and thoroughly work with all solution-oriented organizations, cognizant of each #MeToo and #WeSaidEnough story, for the perspective needed to develop a path forward to end this culture, ensure there are no more victims, protect victims and that consequences for perpetrators are unflinching within the Capitol Community."