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Press Release
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SACRAMENTOState Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), chair of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, and Assemblymember Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), vice-chair, released the following statement today on behalf of the Democratic members of the Women’s Caucus in response to President-elect Trump’s policies and recent statements on overturning abortion rights.


Jackson said, “California, the most populous state in the country and the sixth largest economy in the world, has long been a leader in the fight for women’s reproductive rights and access to healthcare. In the wake of last Tuesday’s election, we will not back down and we will not be silent. We will continue to be a strong voice for choice in this country. President-elect Trump’s statements and policies threaten to restrict our freedoms, cut off our healthcare, affect our economy and the pocketbooks of working families, and drag us back to an era of back alley abortions. While our abortion rights will remain protected here in California due to the strength of our state laws and Constitution, we will remain vigilant in speaking out against any Supreme Court nominee who will overturn our hard-fought American freedoms and impact the economic security of working families.”


Garcia said, “Latinas and other women of color already face barriers to sexual and reproductive health services, and as a result, women of color experience higher rates of reproductive cancers, unintended pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections than many other Americans. There is a very real threat of diminished federal funding for essential healthcare services such as cancer screenings, well-women visits, and birth control. In the wake of these threats, and given the President-elect’s promise to appoint an anti-choice judge to the Supreme Court, the safety and economic security of California’s women, and those around the country, are at grave risk. We will vigorously uphold our long-held commitment to ensuring all women retain control over their bodies, healthcare and livelihoods.”

