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Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – Leading together to support women and families in the Golden State, the California Legislative Women’s Caucus (LWC) today released its legislative priorities aimed at protecting and advancing the rights and opportunities for women and working families. The LWC also continues to address child care access for working families and budget shortages in the Department of Fair Employment and Housing relating to the investigation and enforcement of harassment claims.

“Lack of access to quality child care is a significant barrier to the economic well-being of many struggling working families,” said Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton), Acting-Interim Chair of the LWC.  “Providing California’s working families a hand up increases their chances for upward mobility, while providing quality care for their children.”

For more than a decade, the LWC has championed child care funding as a top caucus priority.  Over that time the caucus has achieved over a billion dollars in spending for early care and education.

“With the release of our priorities today, the Legislative Women’s Caucus continues to demonstrate our commitment to creating a Stronger California for all women, children and families. As a whole, this legislative package advocates for gender equality, family friendly workplaces, sexual harassment reform and protects some of our state’s most vulnerable populations,” said Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino), Vice Chair of the LWC.

This year, the LWC’s legislative and budget priorities include measures addressing poverty, child care, women’s health and safety, equity and sexual harassment. 

The 2018 LWC Priorities are:

  1. AB 1870 (Reyes, Friedman, Waldron)
  2. AB 2124 (Baker)
  3. AB 2292 (Aguiar Curry)
  4. SB 945 (Atkins)
  5. SB 826 (Jackson)
  6. AB 2289 (Weber)
  7. SB 982 (Mitchell)
  8. SB 1200 (Skinner)
  9. AB 2023 (Caballero)
  10. AB 2342 (Burke, Waldron)
  11. AB 2070 (Reyes)
  12. AB 2698 (Rubio)
  13. AB 3080 (Gonzalez Fletcher)
