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Legislative Women’s Caucus Condemns SCOTUS Decision Allowing States to Ban Abortions

Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – California Legislative Women’s Caucus Chair Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) and Vice Chair Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) released the following statements regarding the opinion of the United States Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade decision:

“As a Latina from a traditionally marginalized community, I have seen firsthand how the SCOTUS decision will impact communities like mine. This decision is dangerous and will not stop abortions, but instead lead to unnecessary complications and deaths from underground abortions, especially for our most marginalized communities. As it is, lack of access across the United States disproportionately affects communities of color, low-income communities, trans, and other marginalized communities, this decision only makes it that much harder. The reality is that if you have the means, you will still have full autonomy of your body and will be able to access abortions and decide when and if to start a family, but if your bank account is not large enough, you have lost a right. This is the first time my generation has lost a fundamental right — the right to choose, especially if you’re Black, Brown, LGBTQ, immigrant, or low-income- what’s next, who’s next?,” said Assemblymember Garcia.

“California must be a refuge state for anyone across the nation, seeking reproductive health care, including an abortion. We will be a beacon of hope to ensure everyone, irrespective of their social economic status has full autonomy of their body. I’m proud that I live and serve in a state where doing what is right and being a leader for our nation is always in style,” Assemblymember Garcia added.

“The Court’s decision is an outrage. Our nation is now dangerously unsafe for millions of Americans. The far-right majority’s decision set us back 50 years — to a time of back-alley abortions and deaths, a time when women lacked the legal and fundamental right to self-determination,” said Senator Skinner. “California will not be passive. We will be a national beacon for reproductive justice and guaranteed access to abortion, not just for Californians, but for those who seek services and care here.”

“The Women’s Caucus is proud to work with our colleagues and the Future of Abortion Council to ensure that these rights are guaranteed in the State of California, and that women and childbearing people are protected from these vile threats to their bodily autonomy,” said Assemblymember Garcia.

More than half of the states have laws on the books that criminalize or otherwise restrict abortions, and all of these laws have now gotten the greenlight as a result of the SCOTUS decision.

Assemblymember Garcia, Senator Skinner, and other members of the Women’s Caucus have authored a package of bills addressing the nationwide threat to women’s reproductive rights in accordance with recommendations from the Future of Abortion Council. The Women’s Caucus has listed all 14 of these bills as a priority for 2022.