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Press Release
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SACRAMENTO – Today, the California Legislative Women’s Caucus elected Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) as its Acting-Interim Chair. Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) will continue serving as Vice Chair of the Caucus.

“I am humbled that my colleagues have placed their faith and trust in me to lead the Caucus during these challenging times and I look forward to working closely with Vice Chair Senator Leyva and the rest of my colleagues in the Caucus as we work to promote the well-being of women, children and families in California,” said Eggman.

Eggman, a social worker and professor in her previous career, was first elected to the State Assembly in 2012.

“I look forward to working with Assemblymember Eggman as Acting-Interim Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus.  These are certainly difficult times, but I know that the Caucus remains committed to addressing and ending the culture of sexual harassment and assault that hurts women and men alike in the Legislature and across California,” noted Leyva.

The bi-partisan Legislative Women’s Caucus represents and advocates on behalf of the diverse interests of women, children and families throughout California.  It seeks to increase participation and representation of women in state government.  Members of the Legislative Women’s Caucus seek to promote sound legislative policies and budget priorities that will improve the well-being of women, children and families and to work cooperatively with local, state and national women’s organizations interested in advancing policies to achieve these same objectives.
