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2016 Budget & Policy

LWC Announces 2016 Budget & Policy Priorities


"A Stronger California: Securing Economic Opportunity for all Women," includes priorities centered around four pillars: Equal Pay and job opportunities, access to childcare, family-friendly workplaces and building economic security by addressing poverty.  They include a budget ask for an additional $800 million investment in the state's early care and education programs as well as legislation to further address pay inequities (AB 1676, Campos), guarantee three months of job-protected maternity and paternity leave for nearly all Californians (Jackson), ensure reliable scheduling for California workers (SB 878, Leyva) and repeal the CalWORKs Maximum Family Grant (SB 23, Mitchell).


Updated Letter to the Governor

Twenty-six members of the Legislature, including all 19 Democratic women, 5 Republican women and two Assemblymen allies, have signed a letter urging the Governor to support child care in this year's budget.  Without enough subsidized child care in our state, parents cannot work and our economy cannot continue to grow.

Letter to the Governor
Press Release




Childcare Budget Ask

To accurately reflect the reality that California is a state where mothers are significant contributors to the economy, the Legislative Women's Caucus requests an initial investment of $800 million in the 2016-17 budget to repair the infrastructure of a state-supported childcare system that has been built over many years and is at risk of deteriorating due to recession-era budget cuts.



Equal Pay

AB 1676 by Assemblymember Campos will give women more bargaining power when negotiating their salaries by removing past salary history from a new salary determination.  AB 1676 prohibits employers from seeking job candidates' salary histories and requires that employers provide a salary range to a job applicant, upon reasonable request.

Click for Fact Sheet



New Parent Leave

Senator Jackson will introduce a bill to provide three months of job-protected maternity and paternity leave for almost all California employees.

Click for Fact Sheet







Reliable Scheduling Act

SB 878 (Leyva) will create certainty for workers and employers by giving employees adequate advance notice of their schedule so they may better plan their lives.  This proposal would make California one of the first states in the nation to recognize the importance of reliable schedules for workers while also meeting the day-to-day needs of businesses.





Repeal the MFG

SB 23 (Mitchell) would repeal existing state law that denies infants and children $128 in basic needs assistance if the child was conceived and born while a family member was receiving aid unless the parent discloses and can prove that the child was conceived accidentally as a result of failed sterilization, failed intrauterine device or a rape.

Click for Fact Sheet