The Mission
Working with advocates, the Legislative Women's Caucus is supporting/driving policy agenda this session that lifts women and children out of poverty, ensures fair pay and family-friendly workplaces, and expands quality childcare access.
Included in this agenda are proposals to preserve and increase basic needs supports for women and families, closing the gender wage gap by strengthening California's pay laws, increasing income for working women and their families, expanding access to high quality, affordable childcare, and encouraging women to enter and advance in non-traditional, high-wage jobs. All of these proposals will lead to increased financial security for women as they raise their families and into retirement age.
The Pillars
The Agenda has four pillars that frame the policy initiatives critical to the economic security of women and families in our state. The pillars and their corresponding primary legislation.
- Fair Pay and Job Opportunity - Fair Pay Act
- SB 358 (Jackson)
- Access to Childcare - $600 million LWC Childcare Budget Request and Raising Child Care Quality and Accessibility Act
- SB 548 (De Leon/Atkins)
- Family Friendly Workplaces - Fair Scheduling Act
- AB 357 (Chiu/Weber)
- Building Economic Stability by Addressing Poverty - Repeal Maximum Family Grant and increase the state's SSI/SSP grant so that when combined the payment will be 112% of the Federal Poverty Level
- SB 23 (Mitchell) and AB 474 (Brown/Thurmond)
Legislation further supporting the Pillars
Ensure Fair Pay and Job Opportunities
| Support Family Friendly Workplaces
Expand Access to Affordable, Quality Early Child
| Build Economic Security by Addressing Poverty
The Press Conference
Learn More:
Click to download Status of Stronger California Legislation
Click to download A Quick Guide to Stronger California
Click to download A Stronger California Case for Support